How diet and health affects the body

The diet is a daily practice, in which we take action through food consumption to be able to live. But it is also a profound emotional experience, makes the food intake a not so simple, as it reflects our experiences, our self-perception, our habits, relationships with others-and ourselves in our entire life. That's why eating habits directly or indirectly affect the image of the person's body -

The perception we have of the image of our body (right or wrong), often influenced by our psychological state. In research done, people with overweight say they see themselves as other people think they see them. And then build a mental picture of their appearance, which often leads to an unpleasant feeling, considering their surroundings, criticize negative.

Their body image gradually generated from the first years of life of the individual and is linked to the family environment and the social perceptions. For example, children often imitate their parents, so if one mom make diets and often deal with the weight, and very likely the child to do the same early.

The continuous display of very lean body and criticism from their peers, often leads teens (especially girls) feelings of insecurity about their bodies. Great influence on the formation of body image holding of beauty projected by the media, and often lead man to anxiety and reduced confidence due to dissatisfaction with his body. The last 30 years, the beauty standards have changed rapidly, while the clothes sizes shrink more and more. The television, the internet and the press promote more new media "slimming" as creams, pills, meal replacements and treatments in relation to a balanced diet and exercise.

Characteristics of people with a distorted body image are common diets, the connection of low birth weight with professional and social recognition, strict review and comparison of their bodies with others, and in very extreme cases, but not rare, this distorted image can lead to eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

All this distorted body image affects the quality and quantity of food consumed, leading to a vicious circle. The comparison and the effort of the individual to acquire the "desired body 'leads to the removal of the social environment and often leads to wrong eating habits.

Due to fear the person can consume very little food or "food hygiene", especially when he is with other people in various social obligations, and when it is alone and feels that nobody sees (and criticized) to follow a binge eating episode usually rich in carbohydrates and fat.

Other behaviors observed are the long abstinence from food, the exclusion from the diet foods that are considered caloric, and eating very small portions of food. Impaired body image not only women but also men to a lesser extent.

Characteristic behavior mainly men are excessive exercise and the adoption of a protein diet, while some make use of steroids.

Apparently, the disturbed body image is associated with emotional eating, with overeating or wolverine episodes, difficulty in adopting a balanced diet for weight loss or maintenance. The purpose of dietitians us first of all is the person to accept and to love his body. To understand that each person is unique.

Improved image will boost his confidence and will lead to better self-regulation of the individual's diet. Good psychology can bring better results. In order to improve an exterior of the first should be the accepted.

This will be more effective in the weight loss effort, to prevent recurrence, and long-term retention of loss. The aim is to focus on health, not weight!